Are you going to the Brisbane Ekka??

OMG it's show time again!! I just love going to the show. I eat heaps of terrible junk food, buy sample bags I don't need and get sore feet from running around but it's a lot of fun too.

We'll have an Ekka Store set up with all the latest stuff and we'll be putting on a few specials while we're there so you've got to come past, and say "Hi". 

It's on for 10 days I think and we're in the horsey area so we'll get to check out all the amazing horses on show and see the best riders strutting their stuff in the arena. 

Come talk to Tammy and make sure she knows the sorts of things you're looking for in the next seasons fashions and what you need when you're getting your gear on. She's hoping you'll all be able to have input into the next range and what sort of "staples" you need. 

So we can't wait! It's going to be a HEAP of fun and we're looking forward to seeing as many horsey chics as we can at the show.



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